Esta guía es una continuación del proceso de instalación de Informix, que realicé y aplica a la versiones informix 11.x a 12.x.
1. Sobre la instancia instalada previamente con informix, bajar el motor como informix:
onmode -ky2. Ingresar como root en otra terminal y crear la carpeta /home/IFX12/
mkdir /home/IFX12/3. Copiar el instalador de informix 12 a /home/IFX12/ usando WINSCP o similar.
4. Ingresar como root y descomprimir INFX_WKGP_ED_12.10_FC2_LINUX_X86.tar
cd /home/IFX12/ tar xvf INFX_WKGP_ED_12.10_FC2_LINUX_X86.tar5. Instalar informix 12 corriendo el programa ./ids_install (prestar atencion a las respuestas <===enter), importante quitar las opciones 3,18,26
This application will guide you through the installation of IBM Informix Software Bundle. Copyright IBM Corporation 1996, 2013. All rights reserved. 1. Release Notes The Release Notes can be found in /home/IFX12/SERVER/doc/ids_unix_relnotes_12.10.html 2. Installation Guide Please view the Installation / Quick Beginnings Guide at /home/IFX12/SERVER/doc/ids_unix_installg_12.10.pdf 3. Launch Information Center Access the IBM Informix 12.10 Information Center at To Begin Installation, Respond to each prompt to proceed to the next step in the installation. If you want to change something on a previous step, type 'back'. You may cancel this installation at any time by typing 'quit'. PRESS6. Iniciar el motor como informix, y verificar en otra terminal como informix. el estado de inicio con onstat - o tambien con onstat -mTO CONTINUE: <<==== enter Acuerdo Internacional de Programas bajo Licencia Parte 1 - Condiciones Generales EL LICENCIATARIO ACEPTA LOS TÉRMINOS DE ESTE ACUERDO MEDIANTE LA DESCARGA, INSTALACIÓN, COPIA, ACCESO, PULSANDO EL BOTÓN "ACEPTAR" O MEDIANTE CUALQUIER TIPO DE UTILIZACIÓN DEL PROGRAMA. SI EL CLIENTE ACEPTA ESTOS TÉRMINOS EN NOMBRE DEL LICENCIATARIO, EL CLIENTE DECLARA Y GARANTIZA QUE TIENE PLENA AUTORIDAD PARA OBLIGAR AL LICENCIATARIO A CUMPLIR DICHOS TÉRMINOS. SI EL CLIENTE NO ACEPTA ESTOS TÉRMINOS, NO DEBERÁ * DESCARGAR, INSTALAR, COPIAR, ACCEDER, PULSAR EL BOTÓN "ACEPTAR" NI USAR EL PROGRAMA; Y DEBERÁ * DEVOLVER INMEDIATAMENTE LOS MEDIOS NO UTILIZADOS, LA DOCUMENTACIÓN Y EL DOCUMENTO DE TITULARIDAD A LA ENTIDAD A LA CUAL LOS ADQUIRIÓ PARA EL REEMBOLSO DEL IMPORTE PAGADO. SI EL PROGRAMA FUE DESCARGADO, Pulse Intro para seguir visualizando el acuerdo de licencia, o entre "1" para aceptar el acuerdo, "2" para no aceptarlo, "3" para imprimirlo, "5" para visualizarlo en inglés, o "99" para volver a la pantalla anterior.: 1 <==== enter =============================================================================== Installation Location --------------------- Choose location for software installation Default Install Folder: /opt/IBM/informix ENTER AN ABSOLUTE PATH, OR PRESS TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT : /opt/IBM/informix <==== typear la ruta luego enter. INSTALL FOLDER IS: /opt/IBM/informix IS THIS CORRECT? (Y/N): y <=== enter =============================================================================== Existing Installation Detected ------------------------------ The selected directory contains one or more IBM Informix products that can be upgraded by the installation application. If you continue with installation of these products in the selected directory, all features of each upgradeable product are installed regardless of the feature configuration of the previous version. You can remove features after the upgrade by running the uninstallation application. ->1- Select a different installation directory 2- Continue installation 3- Exit the installation application ENTER THE NUMBER OF THE DESIRED CHOICE, OR PRESS TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT: 2 <=== enter =============================================================================== "Choose Install Features" Help ------------------------------ On the next screen, type the number of a feature to change whether it is selected or deselected. You can provide a list of numbers, separated by commas, with no leading or trailing spaces. For example, assume that the screen contains this list: 1- [X] ABC 2- [ ] XYZ Please choose the Features to be installed by this installer.: ___ If you want to install both ABC and XYZ, type: 2 If you want to install only XYZ, type: 1,2 PRESS TO CONTINUE: <=== Enter =============================================================================== Choose Product Features ----------------------- ENTER A COMMA_SEPARATED LIST OF NUMBERS REPRESENTING THE FEATURES YOU WOULD LIKE TO SELECT, OR DESELECT. TO VIEW A FEATURE'S DESCRIPTION, ENTER '? '. PRESS WHEN YOU ARE DONE: 1- [X] IBM Informix database server 2- |-[X] JSON Client Support 3- [X] IBM Informix Client SDK 4- |-[X] IBM Informix Object Interface for C++ 5- |-[X] IBM Informix Object Interface for C++ Demos 6- |-[X] IBM Informix ESQL/C 7- |-[X] IBM Informix ESQL/C demos 8- |-[X] 7.2 application compatibility module 9- |-[X] IBM Informix LIBDMI for client applications 10- |-[X] IBM Informix ODBC Driver 11- |-[X] IBM Informix ODBC Driver demos 12- [ ] IBM Informix Connect 13- |-[ ] IBM Informix Object Interface for C++ 14- |-[ ] IBM Informix ESQL/C 15- |-[ ] 7.2 application compatibility module 16- |-[ ] IBM Informix LIBDMI for client applications 17- |-[ ] IBM Informix ODBC Driver 18- [X] IBM Informix JDBC 19- [X] Global Language Support (GLS) 20- |-[X] West European and Americas 21- |-[X] East European and Slavic 22- |-[X] Chinese 23- |-[X] Japanese 24- |-[X] Korean 25- |-[X] Thai 26- [X] IBM Informix OpenAdmin Tool 27- |-[X] IBM Informix Replication Plug-in for OpenAdmin Tool 28- |-[X] IBM Informix Schema Manager Plug-in for OpenAdmin Tool 29- |-[X] IBM Informix TimeSeries Plug-in for OpenAdmin Tool 30- |-[X] IBM Informix Health Advisor Plug-in for OpenAdmin Tool 31- |-[X] IBM Informix JSON Plug-in for OpenAdmin Tool Please choose the Features to be installed by this installer.:3,18,26 <=== enter =============================================================================== Feature review -------------- Would you like to review the features that you have selected, or change which features you have selected? ->1- Continue 2- Return to feature tree ENTER THE NUMBER OF THE DESIRED CHOICE, OR PRESS TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT: 1 <=== enter =============================================================================== Get Role Separation choice -------------------------- Enable role separation for auditing procedures. If you enable role separation, you can assign existing groups of users to specific roles. If you do not enable role separation, the database server administrator performs all administration tasks. 1- Enable role separation ->2- Do not enable role separation ENTER THE NUMBER FOR YOUR CHOICE, OR PRESS TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT:: 2 <=== enter =============================================================================== Installation Summary -------------------- Please review the following before continuing: Product Name: IBM Informix Software Bundle Install Folder: /opt/IBM/informix Product Features: IBM Informix database server, Base Server, Extensions and tools, J/Foundation, Database extensions, Conversion and reversion support, XML publishing, Demonstration database scripts, Enterprise Replication, Data loading utilities, onunload and onload utilities, dbload utility, High-Performance Loader, Backup and Restore, archecker utility, ON-Bar utility, Informix interface to Tivoli Storage Manager, Administrative utilities, Performance monitoring utilities, Miscellaneous monitoring utilities, Auditing utilities, Database import and export utilities, JSON Client Support, Global Language Support (GLS), West European and Americas, East European and Slavic, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Thai Disk Space Information (for Installation Target): Required: 490.251.835 Bytes Available: Bytes PRESS TO CONTINUE: <=== enter =============================================================================== Ready To Install ---------------- InstallAnywhere is now ready to install IBM Informix Software Bundle onto your system at the following location: /opt/IBM/informix PRESS TO INSTALL: <=== enter =============================================================================== Installing... ------------- [==================|==================|==================|==================] [------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------] =============================================================================== Installation Complete --------------------- Congratulations! IBM Informix Software Bundle installation is complete. Product install status: IBM Informix: Successful For more information about using Informix products, see the IBM Informix 12.10 Information Center at . PRESS TO EXIT THE INSTALLER: <=== enter
oninit onstat - onstat -m
Nota: Este proceso suele demorar varios minutos debido a que se actualiza las bases sysmaster sysusers sysutils, y las bases que tengan estructura anterior.7. El motor y las bases de datos estarán disponibles cuando el comando onstat - se encuentre en online.
onstat -
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC2WE -- On-Line -- Up 00:03:02 -- 1178432 Kbytes8. Fin del proceso de actualización.
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